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HORUS / News / Our workshops are open again!
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Our workshops are open again!

The Horus workshops have been open again since 06th April.

(image) photo dans l'atelier Horus robinetterie Ascott

Retail activity from showrooms and stores is at a standstill. However, delivery deadlines for construction sites, both in France and abroad, are mostly confirmed. In addition, the main customers for export are anticipating an upturn and have already sent us their stock replenishment orders until June.


The many uncertainties weighing on our economy require us to be as reactive as possible, with, in particular, daily flexibility in the management of the personnel present in the workshop.

(image) photo de collaborateurs travaillant à l'atelier Horus

The main security measures implemented at Horus:

  • Respect of a strict decontamination chain before each post office pick-up and for each parcel received.
  • Provision of hydro-alcoholic gel, masks and protective visors.
  • Respect of the rules of social distancing with a minimum spacing of 2 metres.
  • Daily decontamination process of our workshops and workstations.
(image) photo du cadran de douche Ascott dans l'atelier

This unprecedented period will have revealed the commitment to HORUS of every employee in the company, whether they are teleworking, furloughed or returning to the factory: each item leaving the factory is now manufactured with even more care and pride.

« "We are indeed convinced that the values of craftsmanship, of local and traditional manufacturing, will emerge strengthened and enhanced from this crisis, which is as much economic as it is health-related." »
(image) photo d'une collaboratrice Horus à l'atelier d'Obernai

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