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HORUS / News / Horus equips the prestigious bathrooms of The Negresco

Horus equips the prestigious bathrooms of The Negresco


Did you know that?

Horus equips the prestigious bathrooms of the Le Negresco palace. What other palace could better symbolize the legend of the French Riviera? More than 100 years after its creation, as an ideal image of the legendary Riviera, Le Negresco reveals our desires for pleasure, relaxation and well-being.

(image) des robinetteries Horus de gamme Ascott équipent les salles de bains du Negresco

Luxury and Refinement.

For many years, Ascott has been equipping the most beautiful “traditional style “palaces in the world with a design that is both rigorous and warm.

(image) meuble double vasques du Negresco à Nice avec des robinetteries Horus

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